Personal Savings Accounts

Logo Pattern
Photograph of man inserting coin into piggy bank

We offer Personal Savings accounts designed to help grow your money so you can achieve your biggest financial dreams.

Let Citizens State Bank Help You Save!

Personal Savings

Open with as little as $100
$5 quarterly maintenance fee waived if you maintain a minimum balance of $25 each quarter

Please see bank for Rate & Fee Schedule

Savings Account Features

Client services

Telephone Banking

Banking at your fingertips.

Mobile banking services

Mobile Banking

For easy, on-the-go access download our mobile app.

Digital banking services

Online Banking

For easy, on-the-go access all you have to do is sign up.

Financial Calculators

For your convenience, several financial calculators are provided below.

College savings calculator

College Savings

Planning for the future is important, this calculator will help you develop or fine-tune a savings plan for education.

Retirement planning calculator

Retirement Planner

Prepare for your retirement. Learn how much you’ll need to save based off annual income and your chosen retirement age.

Savings calculator

Savings Calculator

Adjust savings amounts, monthly additions, and rates of return to learn how a savings
account can work for you.