Guidelines for a strong fraud protection program
Here are some best practices you can use to help protect your accounts from online fraud.
Verify your vendors account number changes – Require all changes to vendor payment account numbers to be made in writing on the vendor’s letterhead and verified with a call to the vendor’s telephone number in your files. You should always “Verify before you initiate” and “Verify before you approve.”
Educate your employees – Remind your employees not to click on links purporting to be antivirus or anti-malware software, do not download files from unknown sources or respond to ony screen pops; especially ones asking you to enter your contact information. Ignore pop-ups seeking your online banking credentials and be cautious of unexpected token prompts or unsolicited calls to assist you for unreported log-in issues.
Protect your access credentials – Never give out your password, PIN or the PIN + token code combination. If you receive an email, phone call, or text message claiming to be from your financial institution, asking for this information, it is likely a “phishing” attempt. Do not respond to it. Report it to your financial institution immediately.
To report fraud, immediately contact your relationship manager.